Innovative techniques of ELT in Uzbekistan in the context of globalization

Innovative techniques of ELT in Uzbekistan in the context of globalization


  • Mudasir Ahmad Mir Ministry of Public Education
  • Zaripa Ismilova Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Kalit so‘zlar

Uzbekistan, ELT, Innovative Strategy, Globalization, Technology, Culture


This research paper explores innovative strategies of ELT in Uzbekistan in the era of globalization. The paper discusses the importance of English language proficiency in the globalized world and discusses the challenges faced by English language educators in Uzbekistan in providing effective language instructions to students. It examines the limitations of traditional teaching methods, such as grammar-focused instruction and rote memorization, and highlights the need for unique stratagems to enhance English language learning in the country. It discovers various novel approaches to teaching English, including task-based learning, communicative language teaching, and technology integration. It also states the role of teacher training and professional development in implementing these strategies successfully. It pursuits the cutting-edge approaches in ELT that harness the power of technology, promote intercultural understanding, and foster the learner autonomy.

Mualliflar haqida

Mudasir Ahmad Mir, Ministry of Public Education

Assistant Professor Ministry of Public Education, Tashkent

Zaripa Ismilova, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yhati

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Ahmad Mir, M., & Ismilova, Z. (2024). Innovative techniques of ELT in Uzbekistan in the context of globalization. Ko‘p Tillilik Muhitida Xorijiy Tillarni Rivojlantirishning Innovatsion Va Integrativ Muammolari, 1(01), 269–274.




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