An interest-driven learning strategy to teach english grammar: Exploring the online gaming platform pubg as a pedagogical tool
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Interest-Driven Learning, Gamification, PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds), Gameplay Instructions, Quest Descriptions, Creative Writing PromptsAnnotasiya
The theory of "Interest-Driven Learning” emphasizes leveraging students' existing interests and passions as a starting point for teaching and learning. It can enhance motivation, participation, and retention of knowledge by tapping into students'
intrinsic curiosity and enthusiasm for topics that resonate with them. Gamification has always been a successful tool in every teaching endeavour. This article concentrates on how the online game PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) can be used as a tool to create interest in the teaching of English Grammar. The learners can be guided to create writing exercises like Gameplay Instructions, Quest Descriptions and Creative Writing Prompts. The article focuses on technology integration where digital tools are utilised as innovative strategies to enhance language learning experiences. Such methodologies prepare students for success in an increasingly interconnected and diverse global society.
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