Challenges and implementation of innovative approaches in teaching english in aviation domain

Challenges and implementation of innovative approaches in teaching english in aviation domain


  • Madina Akhrorova Uzbekistan Airways Aviation Training Center


Ключевые слова:

Safety, emergency, radiotelephony communication, real-life simulations, technological advancement


Aviation English, an essential component of global aviation safety, presents distinctive challenges in its teaching and learning process. This abstract delves into the multifaceted landscape of challenges faced by instructors and learners in the realm
of Aviation English education, as well as the number of methods and approaches which are taken onto consideration when planning curriculum or lesson.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Akhrorova, M. (2024). Challenges and implementation of innovative approaches in teaching english in aviation domain. Проблемы инновационного и интегративного развития иностранных языков в многоязычной среде, 1(01), 266–269.


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