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simpatiya, empatiya, etimologiya, hamdardlik, hissiy yaqinlikAnnotasiya
Ushbu tezisda simpatiya atamasi va uning qadimgi davrdan hozirgi vaqtgacha rivojlanish bosqichlari haqida aytib o‘tilgan. Shuningdek, simpatiya va unga yondosh bo‘lgan empatiya, antipatiya, hamdardlik, afsus, rahmdillik kabi terminlar haqida va uning jahon ilm fanida tadqiq etilishi haqida ma’lumot berilgn.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yhati
Hillman, James. Re-Visioning Psychology . Harper & Row, 1977. (Accessed 29 August, 2019)
Brohaugh, William. English Through the Ages: From Old English to Modern-Day Slang, a Word-by-Word Birth Record of Thousands of Interesting Words, Writer’s Digest Books, 1998.
The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary: a-o. I; p-z. II, Oxford University Press, 1971. I have used these references before and have cited it below. For the purposes of citation here, we will continue to use endnotes, with the citation OED I, or OED II and the relevant page.
I checked several times. The listings proceed from “Empaste” to “Empatron,” without “Empathy”.
The New Century Dictionary: A-Pocket Veto, I, Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1953. [Volume One].
The reader should forgive me, the lack of the proper accent mark over the ‘u’ in einfuhlung, my version of word doesn’t do that…. (OED 3205)., accessed August 16, 2019