Inclusive education for children with cochlear implantation

Inclusive education for children with cochlear implantation


  • Gavkhar Abdullaeva



инклюзивное образование, дети с нарушением слуха, кохлеарная имплантация, методы, образовательный, школьный


This article presents the features of auditory-speech perception and speech development of hard-of-hearing and deaf children using modern means of hearing prosthetics – cochlear implants. The conditions are favorable for the education and upbringing of children with cochlear implants are considered. Recommendations for teachers on the organization of the necessary conditions for the education and upbringingof such children in school educational institutions are presented.

Author Biography

Gavkhar Abdullaeva

Associate Professor of Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc)


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How to Cite

Abdullaeva, G. (2024). Inclusive education for children with cochlear implantation. “Innovative and Integrative Problems of Foreign Language Development in a Multilingual Environment” International Scientific-Practical Conference, 1(01), 498–504.

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