Exploring taboo in angkola language: Intercultural understanding in ethic education

Exploring taboo in angkola language: Intercultural understanding in ethic education


  • Jamaluddin Nasution
  • Mhd. Pujiono North Sumatera University, Indonesia
  • T Silvana Sinar North Sumatera University, Indonesia
  • Nurlela Nurlela North Sumatera University, Indonesia


Kalit so‘zlar

Angkola language, culture, ethic education, taboo


This research explores Angkola Language (AL) from intercultural perspective used for ethics education. Research is qualitative utilizing ethnographic method. There are three taboos in AL, such as: the taboos of fishing, naming ‘tiger’ and ‘snake’, and communication within family community. Taboos culturally foster theethical education of children either at schools or even neighborhood.

Muallif haqida

Jamaluddin Nasution

Student of Doctoral Program at North Sumatera University, Indonesia

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yhati

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Nashr qilingan


Qanday qilib iqtibos keltirish kerak

Nasution, J., Mhd. Pujiono, T Silvana Sinar, & Nurlela Nurlela. (2024). Exploring taboo in angkola language: Intercultural understanding in ethic education. Ko‘p Tillilik Muhitida Xorijiy Tillarni Rivojlantirishning Innovatsion Va Integrativ Muammolari, 1(01), 326–331. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11256683




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