Kalit so‘zlar
Simultaneous interpretation, language proficiency,, multimedia resources, text authenticity, sociocultural relevance,, curriculum alignment.Annotasiya
The teaching of simultaneous interpretation is a complex system comprised of various interconnected components. In acquiring essential knowledge of simultaneous interpretation, the linguistic component of education, represented through textual materials, plays a critical role. This linguistic element includes the selection of specific linguistic, speech, and sociocultural materials. Incorporating textual materials helps enhance students’ language proficiency and supports the organization of simultaneous interpretation training. Multimedia tools, particularly video materials, are recommended as effective teaching resources in language and translation education. This study highlights the criteria for selecting appropriate multimedia resources for developing translation skills in simultaneous interpretation, with particular focus on authenticity, sociocultural relevance, thematic stability, alignment with curriculum topics, and appropriate text volume for training purposes.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yhati
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