Innovative strategies of teaching language in the conditions of globalization

Innovative strategies of teaching language in the conditions of globalization


  • Nilufar Abdullaeva Aviation Training Center. Tashkent


Ключевые слова:

Innovative strategies, Globalization, VR, TBL, ESP, Aviation


In this article I want to mention about strategies of teaching English for specific purposes in the conditions of globalization. Innovative strategies for teaching language for specific purposes involve tailoring content to learners' professional contexts, utilizing authentic materials, and incorporating task-based learning approaches. These strategies aim to develop language skills relevant to specific industries or professions, such as aviation, medicine, or business, by emphasizing practical communication tasks and industry-specific terminology. Additionally, technology-enhanced learning tools, such as virtual reality simulations or online resources, can provide interactive and immersive experiences tailored to learners' needs, promoting effective language acquisition for specific purposes.

Библиографические ссылки

Brown, G & Howard, R. ed. (Eds). (1997). Teachers Education for Languages for Specific Purposes. UK: Multilingual Matters, Ltd.

Gatehouse, K. (2001). Key issues in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Curriculum Development. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol VII, No.10.

Wu, Li & Ben-Canaan. The Impact of Globalization and the Internet on English Language Teaching and Learning By Professor Wu, Li and Professor Ben-Canaan, Dan Heilongjiang University, School of Western Studies, Harbin, May 2006




Как цитировать

Abdullaeva, N. (2024). Innovative strategies of teaching language in the conditions of globalization. Проблемы инновационного и интегративного развития иностранных языков в многоязычной среде, 1(01), 287–289.


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